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In order to provide the most effective education and learning opportunities possible, Fossil Ridge Intermediate School is committed to the following standards that characterize an exemplary school. The realization of these exemplary school standards is based on the collective commitments of the Fossil Ridge faculty staff, students, and community. In order to be an exemplary school, Fossil Ridge is committed to achieving the following:


The effectiveness of an exemplary school is based on the achievement and character of its students. Therefore, Fossil Ridge students are committed to:

  1. Fossil Ridge students are committed to being prepared to learn each day.
  2. Fossil Ridge students are committed to accepting responsibility for their learning and decisions.
  3. Fossil Ridge students are committed to giving their best efforts each day
  4. Fossil Ridge students are committed to demonstrating respect for peers, teachers, school and themselves.
  5. Fossil Ridge students are committed to conducting themselves in a way that contributes to a safe, orderly, and respectful educational environment.
  6. Fossil Ridge students are committed to 100% engagement in school activities.